It should have mentioned the very important fact that Senator Inhofe refused a request by four Democratic senators, including Clinton, for his committee to hold hearings on the matter of air quality information released by EPA/The White House after 9/11.<snip>
Shortly after Jeffords met with Leavitt, he and Democratic committee members Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, Joe Lieberman of Connecticut and Bob Graham of Florida released a letter they had written to (Senate Environment) committee Chairman Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla.
The foursome requested a full committee oversight hearing into an inspector general's probe that found the White House Council on Environmental Quality pressured EPA to downplay public health risks from air quality in the World Trade Center area immediately following the Sept. 11 attacks.
"Unfortunately, this behavior seems to be consistent with other White House actions that attempt to politicize information and keep the public in the dark about the facts," the minority members wrote.
Inhofe rejected the request for hearings, saying he did not feel it was necessary and that it was merely pre-election year grandstanding.
If Inhofe is going to protect Bush by refusing very legitimate requests for hearings into this matter, then Democratic senators have to use whatever power they can to disrupt the confirmation process, even though Leavitt is not the issue, per se. Hillary is right not to knock Leavitt over this, but to make clear that she is using his nomination as leverage to get at the truth for her constituents.
I would be so furious if I were a NYC resident affected by the air quality from 9/11. I'm furious anyway. I have the Inspector General's report on my lap as we speak. I recommend it to everyone.
Unless you have high blood pressure...
On edit: I just ran across this transcript of an interview of the EPA Inspector General (Nicki Tinsley) and NBC's Lisa Meyers: also wanted to mention (because I've expressed my outrage) that I have EPA friends/colleagues who worked on the sampling and evaluation of the fallout from the WTC collapse, and they were very professional and objective. The problems all arose from political interference at high levels, not at the level of the scientists.