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For Bush, Rosy Scenarios Meet Reality in Iraq

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NNN0LHI Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-08-03 02:25 PM
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For Bush, Rosy Scenarios Meet Reality in Iraq

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush's budget director predicted Iraq would be "an affordable endeavor" and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld once declared: "I don't know that there is much reconstruction to do."

Five months and tens of billions of dollars later, Bush and his top aides are acknowledging for the first time the magnitude of occupying and rebuilding the battered country by asking Congress for an extra $87 billion for next year, on top of the $79 billion already approved for this year.

In the last week alone, White House officials upped their cost estimates in talks with lawmakers to $87 billion from $65 billion.

The administration hopes the new request will get them through the 2004 presidential election season without having to ask for more resources. Bush is seeking a second term but faces declining poll numbers and concern about a sluggish economy.


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opihimoimoi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-08-03 02:45 PM
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1. The First Shrub is an Idiot and now he is TOAST
The people have seen thru the smoke and have discovered that it was indeed smoke.

Das what happenes when we insert amateurs into the White House.

The man is a Lemon, we demand a new model. If this is the best the Pubs got to offer, they are toast too.
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cliss Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-09-03 10:02 PM
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2. Throwing good money after bad
You've got to wonder, when will they reach their limit? How much is enough? When this country is bankrupt, and half the people in the US are too broke to buy your gas, let alone keep a car.

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Raenelle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-09-03 10:31 PM
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3. Read this analysis by Steve Gilliard--all the bullshit is over

With the real number needed now estimated at $142 Billion, Bush has bet his presidency on this bill. If it fails, he will probably be forced from office. And that number, $142 billion, will hang over this debate like Banquo over MacBeth.

Make no mistake about this: all the bullshit is over. Bush will either kill his tax cuts or face a brutal rebuttal by the American people. This is simply too much money. The Europeans are not going to kick in any money to Halliburton and Ahmed Chalabi. This is the kind of vote which could cost you your seat. Americans had to be coaxed into the Marshall Fund and that was with our allies. Iraq is not an ally. It is not a friend. Americans do not trace their families from Iraq for the most part. So convincing people we need to spend this money is a high risk move. The Congress is nodding their heads now, because tipping their hands just sets them up to be abused by the White House. But when they go back to their districts, this will not sit well at all.

If he can do it, it postpones failure for a few months. But if he can't and the Europeans are not inclined to kick in, Bush's plan is in deep trouble. Americans are already convinced the Europeans need to kick in and when they say no, and they will., at least at the $55b level, Americans will look coldly at Bush and ask "why are we on the
hook for this?"

This isn't the time to embrace cynicism. Because this is so much money and the fights will be so intense, a lot can be forced from Bush, or he'll make such a grand tactical error, he's have more than a bad speech in common with LBJ.

It's put up or shut up time for Bush. What does he want? Tax cuts or Iraq. It's time to choose. Oh yeah, neither is an option. Remember, if Bush fails, he's done. Keep that in mind.
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