Since September 11, 2001, you have led both our national and international effort to bring Bin Laden and Al Qaeda to justice and to eliminate the global threat of terrorism. As part of that effort, you have given me the opportunity to serve as the first Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and then the first Secretary of the new Department of Homeland Security.
United by a powerful sense of purpose and mission, my fellow employees have sought more and better ways to integrate people and technology to make our country more secure. As we have merged the many legacy units within the Department, we have made significant progress in strengthening the security of our nation. Working with Governors, Mayors, police and fire chiefs, the private sector, academic community, and all Americans, we have built relationships that will permanently sustain the national effort to protect our country.
We have been guided by your direction to keep America's doors open and her borders secure. Critical bilateral and multilateral relationships, coupled with significant new programs, have enhanced security and facilitated commerce.
There will always be more to do, but today, America is significantly stronger and safer than ever before. I am grateful for the opportunity to have served our country and to have worked daily with the exceptionally talented and dedicated public servants in your Administration and the Department.