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UK Tories ask Rove to reproduce Bush's "win" for their party

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Ladybast Donating Member (96 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 08:16 AM
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UK Tories ask Rove to reproduce Bush's "win" for their party


By Paul Gilfeather Political Editor

FALTERING Tory leader Michael Howard has been thrown a political life-line - from the mastermind behind George Bush's victory in the US election.

The shock signing of Karl Rove is all the more amazing as President Bush's right-hand man banned Mr Howard from the White House just three months ago. The highly-rated strategist discussed the Opposition leader's fading General Election hopes in a trans- atlantic phone call this week.

And during his talks with party chairman Liam Fox he agreed to bury differences over the Iraq war and draw up Mr Howard's masterplan for the May poll.

The development will stun Tony Blair, who is certain to feel betrayed.

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non sociopath skin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 08:22 AM
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1. I love it! I love it! I love it!
No scruples, no honour, no consistency. Just gimme, gimme, gimme. That's how I like to see my conservatives. No mayo, no sauces, no salad ... just the real mccoy, rotten right through and mouldy at the centre!!!

The Skin
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MarianJack Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 08:23 AM
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2. kkkarl and ** betraying somebody who trusted them????
I'm shocked, I tell you, SHOCKED!

Aren't these the people who brought honor & integrity back to the white house?

Seriously, look for the British election to be about some celebrities boobs and tony blair sending a letter postage due in 1973!

This is truly a battle that I wish BOTH sides could lose!
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Maven Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 08:27 AM
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3. Maybe Rove is doing it because he knows it'll get Blair reelected.
That scenario seems more reminiscent of his tricks. They wouldn't wanna lose a perfectly good lapdog, afterall.
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Elidor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 08:30 AM
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4. ROFL! Poodle-boy is kicked to the curb!
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xultar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 08:39 AM
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5. This is hilarious on soooo many is so laugh
but I can't stop...rotflmao

1. Will the WaPo print a headline how could #### million be so stupid?

2. It shows that * didn't really win, KKKarl won. How must * feel about that? I mean hey they had to get an evil genius to pull the wool over 59 million stupid Americans.

3. Do the British use Diebold, if Blair doesn't winn will it prove voter fraud over here?

4. Will this will prove without a doubt to be KKKarl's royal seat next to lucifer in hell? Or will it prove to be his downfall as an over-blown, double chin boy wonder.

5. Will the 59 million dumb-ass Americans finally see they got played? Not that * is all that, but that KKKarl's dirty under-handed tricks won?

6. Will KKKarl's dirty tricks even work in Britan because they don't have the same screwed up election system we have? How will the British take to robo-calls and push-polling?

7. Will the British buy KKKarl's bullshit? Will the British fundies allow themselves to be used and abused like the one's over here?

The list goes on and on

Tune in, to the same BAT time at the same BAT channel....:evilgrin:

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Moderator DU Moderator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-01-04 08:52 AM
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6. Locking--LBN rules
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1. NO opinion pieces, editorials, or other stories that are not news.

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