Law School will return to a policy that keeps the military from recruiting on campus in the wake of a federal court decision allowing colleges and universities to bar recruiters without fear of losing federal money.
Harvard Law School Dean Elena Kagan said the decision, effective Tuesday, will allow the school to enforce its nondiscrimination policy without exception, "including to the military services."
Harvard had forbidden any recruiter from campus — military or otherwise — that couldn't sign off on the school's nondiscrimination policy. Harvard, like other schools, said the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy was discriminatory, because it forbids overt gays and lesbians from serving in the armed forces.
In 2002, the Pentagon told Harvard and other schools that the government would begin enforcing a law, called the Solomon Amendment, which permits the Defense Department to deny funds to colleges and universities that restrict military recruiting or ROTC on campus.