WASHINGTON (AP) -- Federally funded abstinence education programs that are used in 25 states contain false and misleading information about contraception, abortion and sexually transmitted diseases, said Rep. Henry Waxman.
A report Wednesday from the California Democrat said 11 of the 13 most widely used programs underestimate the effectiveness of condoms in preventing pregnancy and the spread of disease, exaggerate the prevalence of emotional and physical distress following abortion, blur science and religion or get fundamental scientific facts wrong.
Some curriculums also rely on what Waxman called damaging stereotypes about boys and girls, including that girls care less about achievement and their futures.
The Why kNOw curriculum teaches: "Women gauge their happiness and judge their success by their relationships. Men's happiness and success hinge on their accomplishments."
full text at:
http://www.cnn.com/2004/EDUCATION/12/02/abstinence.education.ap/index.htmlHere comes the American Taliban. Convince little girls that their happiness shouldn't be dependent on their accomplishments, and before long, we'll be keeping them at home in the blue beekeeper suits. It's what the religious right wants, and no facts are going to stand in their way.