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Kelly emails open fresh mystery

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Khephra Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-09-03 06:42 AM
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Kelly emails open fresh mystery
David Kelly complained about his telephone calls mysteriously "dying" when he tried to answer calls in May 2003, the month that the weapons dossier affair began.
In an email that will add fuel to conspiracy theorists' views on the circumstances surrounding the death of Dr Kelly, the scientist said he had been experiencing "curious" problems with his phone.

At 11pm on May 9 - three days after Dr Kelly told Newsnight reporter Susan Watts over the phone that the September dossier presented facts "in a very black and white way" - he received an email from someone who had been trying to call him.

"I tried several times but the phone connected then went dead. I wasn't sure if you were having problems with the phone," said Dr Kelly's unnamed correspondent in an email exchange revealed in a new batch of evidence published by the Hutton inquiry.

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hang a left Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-09-03 06:49 AM
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1. It seems Dr. Kelly has left
us a trail. I can't help but to analyze his description of the "dark actors." I wonder if he knew the religion of the conspirators. If you know what I mean.
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xchrom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-09-03 06:50 AM
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2. suicide or murdered
he had help in his demise. the blair government has to buck up and bear the responsibility. period.
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0007 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-09-03 06:57 AM
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3. I believe Kelly went the way J.H. Hatfield
Baxter (Enron) went......and not by their own hand.
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emad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-09-03 07:02 AM
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4. Something smells bad in the UK's ministry of defence
and it isn't necessarily just the politicians and civil servants. If Kelly was an expendable pawn, his career may have been stage managed by someone keen to point the finger. The US has had its share of scandals in intelligence/policing - Aldric Ames and Bob Hanssen, for example. The dud military intelligence re uranium from Niger and the 45minutes WMDs came from UK sources and provided the public /political impetus to send troops to Iraq. Maybe Kelly's 'dark actors' are Ames/Hanssen figures somewhere in the MOD?
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Monkey see Monkey Do Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-09-03 09:09 AM
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5. We know that Mi5 were tasked
with investigating BBC over Gilligan's report, as well as the leaking of a September memo from John Scarlett to Campbell at the request of Scarlett & David Omand; and we also know that Kelly was a suspect in the leaking of a "UK eyes only" Mi6 document which basically said that any link between Iraq & al-Qaeda was bollocks. It therefore wouldn't suprise me whatsoever if his phone was being tapped over that (the latter rather than the former given the timing of the original Gilligan story) - (alternatively, & probably far less likely, given that he was in preperation to return to Iraq as part of the Iraq Survey Group, there may have been pressure from NSA to GCHQ to get friendly intelligence on his thoughts re WMD's.)

(the relevant documents for the above are:

Stuff from the JIC re the Mi5 investigation:

Stuff re the al-Qaeda document leak: )

One e-mail I found mildly interesting in the (pretty bland -- the Straw stuff that the Independent picked up on was released over a week ago, but they must have only found it yesturday) cache of documents that was released yesturday was from an unnamed person with a reply from Kelly on 21st May (the day before he met with Gilligan). Unnamed person comments: "How are things with the Govt now. I heard that there was some mutual blaming between the Cabinet and Intelligence services, but it could just be rumours." To which Kelly responds, "Blaming not really serious yet - lots of work to do to see who is right."

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