In the wake of accusations of cruelty from an animal rights group, the world's largest kosher certification authority announced yesterday that it would ask a major kosher slaughterhouse in Iowa to change the way it kills animals. Killings at the plant, AgriProcessors Inc., in Postville, Iowa, were clandestinely recorded this summer by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. A videotape showed workers cutting the throats out of living steers and then dumping the animals on the floor where they thrashed and bellowed while bleeding to death. The plant is the country's largest producer of meat that is glatt kosher, the highest standard of cleanliness. It is also the only American plant allowed to export to Israel. Also yesterday, a representative of Israel's chief rabbinate said AgriProcessors' meat would no longer be accepted in Israel if the scenes he saw on tape were standard practice.
Section A; Column 4; National Desk; Pg. 24 NYTimes, Dec. 3, 2004