Jeremy Hinzman was one of the very first resisters against the Iraq war. His prinicipled stance against Bush Inc. war crimes deserves our total support. Both he and his young family will be in great danger if they are forced to return to the U.S. This is an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT PRECEDENT for all on-going and future war resisters and draft resisters who refuse to fight Bush Inc. wars. AMERICAN STUDENTS and YOUNG PEOPLE, TAKE NOTE! CANADIANS, please pressure your government to grant asylum! ALL, please visit the recommended web sites mentioned below, and TAKE ACTION!
Jeremy Hinzman's hearing before Canada's Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) will take place on Dec. 6-8. The IRB hearing officer, Brian Goodman, has accepted the Canadian government's argument that the illegality of the U.S. war on Iraq is "irrelevant." Jeffry House, Hinzman's lawyer, says that decision is "dead wrong" and presents a strong basis for appeal if Jeremy is denied refugee status.
Even so, evidence of a systematic pattern of U.S. war crimes in Iraq, including attacks on civilian population centers, and the torture and murder of prisoners, will be presented at the Dec. 6-8 hearing. This will include eyewitness testimony of the killing of Iraqi civilians from former Marine Sgt. Jimmy Massey.
Jeremy Hinzman and Jimmy Massey will be featured in a public meeting on the evening of December 4, the Saturday just prior to the IRB hearing. This meeting is being sponsored by the Toronto Coalition to Stop the War and the War Resister Support Campaign.
A vigil outside the IRB offices in downtown Toronto will begin at 7:30 am Monday morning, Dec. 6, along with vigils in cities across Canada. A planning meeting of the War Resister Support Campaign will take place this coming Wednesday evening, Nov. 24, and a volunteer meeting will take place on the following Wednesday, Dec. 1.
For more information, visit, email, or telephone the War Resister Support Campaign at 416-598-1222. Now is the time to demonstrate our strong support for war resisters!
for peace and justice,
Gerry Condon
Right To Resist / Project Safe Haven
(416) 922-5613