Last Updated: 12/05/2004 08:59:56 AM
Alabama against medical pot law but backs California
State's rights is critical issue for ally in U.S. Supreme Court case
Associated Press
MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Alabama, which has some of the nation's toughest drug laws, has become an unlikely ally of California in its defense of marijuana use for medical reasons.
When the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments Monday on California's medical marijuana law, the documents sitting before the justices included legal arguments filed by Alabama Attorney General Troy King, who sided with California and against the Bush administration.
To the Republican attorney general, it is an issue of states' rights rather than drug-control policy.
"I could not disagree more with the public policy that underlies the California law. I think it's flawed. I think it's bad public policy, but if somebody can go in and tell California you can't regulate drugs the way you want to regulate them in California, the next step is they could come to Alabama and tell us we can't do it," King said in an interview.