War is a boon for Md. jobs
By Paul Adams
Sun Staff
Originally published December 5, 2004
Survey the skies over Iraq and you will find an armada of U.S. military jets carrying sensitive antennas and communications equipment built and tested in a low-profile industrial park in Baltimore's Park Heights.
Employment at Nurad Technologies Inc., housed in what was once a London Fog coat factory, has nearly doubled to 135 in the three years since the Bush administration launched a huge military buildup and went to war. Nurad and the rest of Maryland's military contractors have been on a hiring spree not seen since the Cold War.
As Nurad scrambled to recruit the engineers it needed to keep up with its swelling order book, it encountered a job market crowded with rivals offering signing bonuses and other enticements to lure workers with critical skills. Nurad had to resort to hiring recent college graduates for positions it had reserved for experienced mid-career professionals.
Nurad's experience is being echoed at dozens of defense companies statewide as the industry struggles to fill thousands of openings for engineers, scientists, computer experts and manufacturing workers.
Stressed personnel managers are resorting to unconventional recruitment and casting a wider net - offering current employees everything from cash to big-screen televisions to recruit their friends from other companies.
Salaries for sought-after skills are being pushed up - sometimes to six figures - and young graduates are fielding multiple offers. In the meantime, companies, leery of losing existing employees, are providing perks ranging from in-house massage to on-site dry cleaning.
"The defense sector is in the midst of the biggest surge in employment in a generation, and Maryland is a bigger beneficiary of that surge than almost any other state," said Loren B. Thompson, a defense industry analyst with the Lexington Institute, a military think tank in Arlington, Va.