...A report last week by Rep. Henry Waxman (news, bio, voting record), D-Calif., found 11 of the 13 most widely used programs contain misinformation. He said they underestimate the effectiveness of condoms in preventing pregnancy and the spread of disease, exaggerate the prevalence of emotional and physical distress following abortion, blur science and religion or get fundamental scientific facts wrong.
Asked about these findings, Frist, a doctor who often calls on his medical expertise, did not directly address the issues raised. But he said the programs should be reviewed.
He touted the benefits of a more comprehensive approach backed by President Bush (news - web sites) in the global fight against AIDS (news - web sites) called "ABC" for abstinence, being faithful and use of condoms.
"Whether it's abstinence or whether it's a condom or whether it is ... washing hands in terms of the flu, all of these are public health challenges," Frist said.
The Waxman report said one abstinence-only curricula incorrectly says that people can contract HIV (news - web sites) through exposure to sweat and tears.
Asked if he thought that was true,
Frist said it "would be very hard" to transmit HIV through sweat and tears. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&u=/ap/20041206/ap_on_go_co/abstinence_education