gather to protest vote count
By John McCarthy
The Associated Press
Melissa Hedden joins protesters Saturday at the Statehouse in Columbus to protest the counting of Nov. 2 votes in Ohio.
The Associated Press/Will Shilling
COLUMBUS - Melissa Hedden, a key John Kerry supporter in her community, has been busy with charitable work since the election. So she decided to find out why so many people are questioning Kerry's loss in the Ohio presidential election.
Hedden, 48, of suburban Upper Arlington, was among the 400 people who gathered Saturday outside the Ohio Statehouse to demand an immediate recount of the results or at least look into Election Day irregularities around the state.
Hedden said she was one of the founders of the "UA for Kerry" movement in her predominantly Republican suburb. She's convinced the 2 percentage-point victory President Bush will officially receive on Monday is inaccurate.
Kerry people are there protesting!!!