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Former CIA Director Tenet agrees to book deal with Crown Publishing

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seemslikeadream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 12:56 AM
Original message
Former CIA Director Tenet agrees to book deal with Crown Publishing
HILLEL ITALIE, AP National Writer
Monday, December 6, 2004
(12-06) 19:25 PST NEW YORK (AP) --


Financial terms were not disclosed Monday, but a rival publisher, who asked not to be identified, said bidding "easily" topped $4 million.


Books by former CIA officials have to be cleared by the agency, but Tenet's former spokesman at the CIA, Bill Harlow, said he was "confident that the director will be able to be candid, without running into any difficulties with the clearance process."


Barnett said the book, currently untitled and to be co-authored by Harlow, will likely come out at the end of 2005 or early in 2006.

Although works by CIA directors do not have a history of commercial success, an insider work that criticized the agency was a best seller last summer. "Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror" was written under the penname "Anonymous" by senior CIA officer Mike Scheuer. He resigned last month, citing a desire to speak more freely about problems in the hunt for Osama bin Laden and the debate over intelligence reform.

Tenet left the CIA in July after seven years as director. He was criticized for intelligence failures on his watch, including the terrorist attacks and the never-proven prewar allegations that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Nonetheless, Tenet next week will receive the nation's highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom.


For instance, at an October speech at Georgia's Mercer University, Tenet said information does exist indicating that ousted Iraqi President Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. Tenet also argued that the lack of "direct evidence of stockpiles" in Iraq does not mean that Saddam could not manufacture and deliver biological and chemical weapons, according to a report in The Macon Telegraph.

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rodeodance Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 12:59 AM
Response to Original message
1. I knew it!!--that he would make money telling his story!!!!! crapo!!
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ooglymoogly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 04:27 PM
Response to Reply #1
16. so the 64,000 dollar question is will
it be a good ole boy circle jerk or will it be truth....yuhhhh
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Octafish Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 01:10 AM
Response to Original message
2. There's a story I've been waiting for.
Too bad the little fellah didn't quit to spend time with his family about a year sooner. Better still, he should've quit right when his hair was on fire with all things bin Laden before 9-11 and publicly stated how the unelected moron couldn't connect two dots together if they were separated-by-a-single-dash. Bet Tenet didn't know of the closeasthis relationship between the House of Bush and the House of bin Laden.

Here's what our friends at NewsMax, of all places, have to say...

Tenet Book Said to Blame Condi

Retired CIA Director George Tenet is said to blame Condoleezza Rice for not keeping America safe from the 9/11 attacks in a book proposal for his memoir currently being shopped to publishers.

The Clinton-appointed spy chief "trashes" the national security adviser in his book outline, reports the New York Daily News, sourcing a "publishing insider."

"He claims she was incompetent, that she didn't do her job" before 9/11, the source said.

Adding to the speculation is the involvement in the book project of Robert Barnett - the one-time Whitewater lawyer for Bill and Hillary Clinton who negotiated record book deals for the former first couple. Barnett is currently shopping the Tenet proposal.


Tell me, Slad. When did you realize he was satan's monkey?
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seemslikeadream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 01:49 AM
Response to Reply #2
6. Hard to remember Octafish, maybe when I read this
Edited on Tue Dec-07-04 01:56 AM by seemslikeadream
Report: Bin Laden Warned CIA About Attacks

WASHINGTON (DPI) - The controversy surrounding the U.S. intelligence community flared up again today, as sources revealed that Osama bin Laden, working as a CIA spy, forewarned the CIA about Sept. 11.

CIA Director George Tenet said, "In February of 1999, bin Laden, working as a CIA informant inside of al-Qaeda, informed the Agency of al-Qaeda's plans to hijack passenger planes in Boston and New York on September 11, 2001, and to crash them into the World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon, and The White House. Sometime between 8:30 - 9:00 am, EST."

George Tenet during meeting with Osama bin Laden.

When asked why the CIA failed to take appropriate action with the information in order to prevent the tragedy, Tenet replied that the information was "too vague to be useful. For example, we weren't sure if 'New York' meant 'New York City' or 'New York State.' If he meant 'New York State,' the attack could have been launched from thousands of places, like Oswego, Peekskill, or Salamanca. There was simply no way we could have secured the entire state."

or maybe when I saw him at the UN

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Octafish Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 09:09 AM
Response to Reply #6
14. Hmm. How about the case against Condescenda?
Gee. You always get the big picture, seemslikeadream.
It always takes me a bit longer to understand.
Then again, some people...

"The Real Hijackers."

From Global Research:

Wolves guarding the hen house

The entire Commission is rife with conflicts of interest . Bush originally appointed the malignant Henry Kissinger to head the Commission. After this crude ploy failed, Bush chose an equally unsavory, but lesser-known fixer, Thomas Kean, to be its chairman. This was followed by the appointment of long-time Bush administration national security insider (and Condoleeza Rice colleague) Philip Zelikow as the Commission’s executive director, upon the recommendation of legendary Republican fixer, Slade Gorton.

Kissinger and Kean are directly connected to the current and previous Bush-Reagan regimes. Both are directly connected to long-time multinational oil interests in Central Asia that benefited from the bombing and occupation of Afghanistan and the planned trans-Afghan oil pipeline---the first objective of the 9/11 War.

Zelikow was a senior staffer on the National Security Council under the first President Bush. He also worked for the Bush transition team, and the president’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Bureau.

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ECH1969 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 01:13 AM
Response to Original message
3. Didn't Tenet say something was a slam dunk
What was that.. hmmm... I can't remember. Both you and Condi suck Tenet.
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Garbo 2004 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 02:13 AM
Response to Reply #3
10. Yeah I wondered if that would be the title, "Slam Dunk" n/t
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Straight Shooter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 01:25 AM
Response to Original message
4. Thanks for falling on your sword for bush, Mr. Tenet.
So sorry it wasn't real.
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asjr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 01:27 AM
Response to Original message
5. Wow! A book deal and a MEDAL! This particular
toady is going to make some money.
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Robbien Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 01:54 AM
Response to Original message
7. Way too late. Why bother?
When it comes out in 2006, who will even care enough to read it.
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aikido15 Donating Member (637 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 01:57 AM
Response to Reply #7
9. I agree
it is too late...he's still working for Bush in another capacity anyway isn't he?
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wtmusic Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 01:56 AM
Response to Original message
8. Tenet can kiss my ass
and he can even put it in his book, too
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sattahipdeep Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 06:37 AM
Response to Original message
11. You must remember this a kiss is still a kiss
what a slap in the face of americans....

Statement on Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients

December 2, 2004


President Bush will award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Paul Bremers, and
George Tenet in a ceremony at the White House on December 14, 2004.

The latest focal point of New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer’s scrutiny is the commercial
insurance industry. His investigation, starting with a lawsuit against Marsh and McLennan, the
largest insurance broker in the world, has grown to include more than a dozen companies.

Prior to being in Iraq, Bremer was Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer of Marsh Crisis Consulting Company, a crisis
management firm owned by the financial services firm Marsh &
McLennan. From 1989 to 2000, he was Managing Director of
Kissinger Associates, a strategic consulting firm headed by former
Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger.

By Karl W. B. Schwarz
Dec 5, 2004

Many do not remember that Henry Kissinger was originally
slated to be the 9-11 Commission chairman until the public
uproar gave cause to head a different way. One of the matters
we have turned over to Eliot Spitzer's office is an evidence trail
indicating that the insurance on the World Trade Center (WTC)
was increased by 300 percent in June and July 2001 and one of
the three U.S. named beneficiaries of that windfall is one Henry
Kissinger according to the document trail uncovered by an
attorney. That may or may not prove out in court, but it is odd that
the name surfaces in a possible insurance scam on WTC and
he also was the first choice to head the 9-11 Commission
supposedly looking into the matter to find the truth.

Krongard described "his role" as that of a chief "operating officer"
and vowed to keep everyone focused. "If you ask me, 'What is your
one biggest priority?' it would be to do everything I can to
support our two basic "missions" here, "operations" and
intelligence," he said.
"If you don't worry about who gets the "credit", you can
accomplish an awful lot."
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seemslikeadream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 08:38 AM
Response to Reply #11
13. Plans To Scrap WTC Towers For $5.6 Bn In 1989!
The Statute of Liberty had to be repaired due to galvanic corrosion in air. Not what most think is possible but in ocean environments, very possible. Normally galvanic corrosion is only a factor in an electrolyte such as sea water and the stern drive on the boat - having steel and aluminum components - erodes, turns brittle and snap - it fails - if electrolytic grounding plates are not installed.

"""The galvanic reaction between iron and copper was originally mitigated by insulating copper from the iron framework using an asbestos cloth soaked in shellac. However, the integrity and sealing property of this improvised insulator broke down over the many years of exposure to high levels of humidity normal in a marine environment. The insulating barrier became a sponge that kept the salted water present as a conductive electrolyte, forming a crude electrochemical cell as Volta had discovered a century earlier."""

In 1989 - there were plans to erect scaffolding and disassemble the WTC towers and rebuild them. Cost projection was around $5.6 billion. One of the architects shows up to work one day and the MIB's were there - had confiscated all of the plans, specs, details, etc for WTC. They even confiscated their office cubicles and had tape on the floor outlining where they went.

Reason - the exterior cast aluminum WTC panels had been directly connected to the steel superstructure of the building, thus causing galvanic corrosion. In short, the "life cycle" of the WTC was not 200 - 300 years, more like 30 years or so.

The exterior skin of the building - in being aluminum and connected directly to the super structure - was making the building weaker every day.

That could explain why there appears to be explosives set only about every 25 floors. Once the failure started, the brittleness of welds, rivets, bolts, etc would fail much easier as the loads became progressively greater on the way down.

That same process would also explain why the concrete was "powderized" over time because electrolytic processes weaken concrete too by "debonding" the Portland that causes concrete to bond in the first place. However, bear in mind that the "concrete floors" were not load bearing reinforced concrete. They were supported by what was a weakening by the day superstructure and cross members.

There was a 1989 meeting and the folks at the architectural firm that had their office, records, plans and specs seized - were told that the $5.6 billion "take it down, rebuild it" project was cancelled and in about "10-12 years" they would "blow it up and start over". Consider that - and consider that NYC and the US Govt could not stand the global embarrassment of being so stupid or negligent that they did not consider the effects of galvanic corrosion on the superstructure. That is structural design 101 in architectural school and why they want architects to take physics and chemistry for Christ's sake. I did.

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sattahipdeep Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 03:34 PM
Response to Reply #13
15. WTC destruction called two events for insurance purposes

Larry Silverstein, the developer of the Towers can
claim an additional $1.5 billion in insurance claims to
rebuild on the site. There were a dozen different
carriers who insured the Twin Towers for a total of $4.5 billion.

Silverstein was thrilled with the outcome of the case. 'The decision means an
additional billion dollars of insurance proceeds will be available, which, together with
Liberty Bonds, will ensure a timely and complete rebuild of the World Trade Center,'
he said.

Kissinger McLarty Associates, which is Henry Kissinger’s consulting firm has a
"strategic alliance" with the Blackstone Group "which is designed to help
provide financial advisory services to corporations seeking high-level strategic

"Everyone involved in the World
Trade Center is determined to
rebuild to the highest possible
standards, and we have made
amazing progress over the past
three years. We topped out at 7
World Trade Center ahead of
schedule and will have a
completed building by the
beginning of 2006. We laid the
cornerstone of the Freedom
Tower in a moving ceremony on
July 4th, and nothing will deter us
from our important mission." Silverstein said.

:hi: seemslikeadream

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sattahipdeep Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 05:17 PM
Response to Reply #15
17. What a return on his investment....
Edited on Tue Dec-07-04 05:23 PM by sattahipdeep
In this transaction, Silverstein signed a rental contract for the WTC over 99
years amounting to 3,2 billion dollars in installments to be made to the Port
Authority: 800 million covered fees including a down payment of the order of
100 million dollars. Of this amount, Silverstein put in 14 million dollars of his
own money. The annual payment on the lease was of the order of 115 million

Who are the Financial Actors behind the WTC?

Silverstein was thrilled with the outcome of the case.

I bet.

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seemslikeadream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 08:15 PM
Response to Reply #17
from stickdog

In the recent NC plane crash, 3 WR Grace employees were killed: Joseph Spiak, general manager of specialty vermiculite (including the highly toxic asbestos containing Zonolite), Paul Stidham, director of environmental health and safety, and Richard Lyons, global health and safety manager.


Although Halliburton is an enormous operation with more than 100,000 employees in 120 countries, it is a relatively small player when it comes to asbestos litigation, at least when compared with W.R. Grace & Co., GAF and the Johns Manville Corp. Nevertheless, Halliburton has spent $99 million to settle or dispose of 129,650 asbestos suits, according to company records.


WR Grace Asbestos containing insulation was used at the World Trade Center (WTC). James Cintani stated that Grace Vermiculite did not contain asbestos. Unfortunately this was not true this material was 2-5 percent asbestos. 100,000 80 pound bags of this vermiculite was used in the WTC. In addition 9,150 pounds of MonoKote 3 was used at the WTC. Monokote 3 was about 20 percent asbestos. Therefore in total about 201,183 pounds of pure asbestos fiber from Grace was used in the WTC.


White House budget office thwarts EPA warning on asbestos-laced insulation

The Environmental Protection Agency was on the verge of warning millions of Americans that their attics and walls might contain asbestos-contaminated insulation. But, at the last minute, the White House intervened, and the warning has never been issued.

The announcement to warn the public was expected in April. It was to accompany a declaration by the EPA of a public health emergency in Libby, Mont. In that town near the Canadian border, ore from a vermiculite mine was contaminated with an extremely lethal asbestos fiber called tremolite that has killed or sickened thousands of miners and their families. Ore from the Libby mine was shipped across the nation and around the world, ending up in insulation called Zonolite that was used in millions of homes, businesses and schools across America. Zonolite insulation was sold throughout North America from the 1940s through the 1990s. Almost all of the vermiculite used in the insulation came from the Libby mine, last owned by W.R. Grace & Co.

Interviews and documents show that just days before the EPA was set to make the declaration, the plan was thwarted by the White House Office of Management and Budget, which had been told of the proposal months earlier. Former EPA administrator William Ruckelshaus, who worked for Presidents Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, called the decision not to notify homeowners of the dangers posed by Zonolite insulation "the wrong thing to do." "When the government comes across this kind of information and doesn't tell people about it, I just think it's wrong, unconscionable, not to do that," he said. " What right does the government have to conceal these dangers? It just doesn't make sense."

The question about what to do about Zonolite insulation was not the only asbestos-related issue in which the White House intervened. In January, in an internal EPA report on problems with the agency's much-criticized response to the terrorist attacks in New York City, a section on "lessons learned" said there was a need to release public health and emergency information without having it reviewed and delayed by the White House."

The EPA's files are filled with studies documenting the toxicity of tremolite, how even minor disruptions of the material by moving boxes, sweeping the floor or doing repairs in attics can generate asbestos fibers. Most of those who have studied the needle-sharp tremolite fibers in the Libby ore consider them far more dangerous than other asbestos fibers. In October, the EPA team leading the cleanup of lower Manhattan after the attacks of Sept. 11 went to Libby to meet with Peronard and his crew. The EPA had reversed an early decision and announced that it would be cleaning asbestos from city apartments. (NOTE: THIS STUFF WAS IN THE WTC TOWERS!!!)

Peronard told the visitors from New York just how dangerous tremolite is. He talked about the hands-on research in Libby of Dr. Alan Whitehouse, a pulmonologist who had worked for NASA and the Air Force on earlier projects before moving to Spokane, Wash. "Whitehouse's research on the people here gave us our first solid lead of how bad this tremolite is," Peronard said.

Whitehouse has not only treated 500 people from Libby who are sick and dying from exposure to tremolite. The chest specialist also has almost 300 patients from Washington shipyards and the Hanford, Wash., nuclear facility who are suffering health effects from exposure to the more prevalent chrysotile asbestos. Comparing the two groups, Whitehouse has demonstrated that the tremolite from Libby is 10 times as carcinogenic as chrysotile and probably 100 times more likely to produce mesothelioma than chrysotile.

(Please read. There's much, much more here.)


Murray promises to renew push for asbestos warnings

Dec. 30 - After revelations that the Bush administration squelched public health warnings about a widely used form of insulation that contains cancer-causing asbestos, Sen. Patty Murray vowed yesterday to renew her fight for a public education campaign. Murray, D-Wash., said she will demand an explanation this week for why warnings planned last spring by the Environmental Protection Agency were called off at the last minute by high-ranking Bush administration officials.

Internal EPA documents show that about 15 million to 35 million of the nation's approximately 105 million households contain a brand of insulation known as Zonolite. Mined for decades in Libby, Mont., Zonolite contains a particularly lethal form of asbestos known as tremolite. "I just find it astounding that when this kind of information is available that can save people's lives, that this administration has decided to keep that secret and not let people know," Murray said. "Here's a health risk we can do something about."

Murray's co-sponsor, Sen. Paul Wellstone, D-Minn., died in October in a plane crash.

W.R. Grace says the insulation is safe, and wrote a letter to the EPA in April insisting that no health warnings are necessary.

In addition to its use in insulation, the brownish-pink vermiculite was contained in garden products, cement mixtures and many other products. One of those products was as fireproofing in ceiling tiles used widely in schools and federal office buildings. Helping manufacture those tiles as a side job while in college likely gave Brian Harvey of Marysville mesothelioma, a disease caused only by exposure to asbestos. Harvey criticized the Bush administration's decision to pull the public health warning. "I have a real problem with that," Harvey said. "That I consider unforgivable."

"At the top levels of the Bush administration, they are maintaining this cloak of secrecy that I can't imagine the people who I've worked with at the EPA are very happy about," Murray said. "Hopefully, the public will start crying out for Congress and the administration to do something about this."

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orpupilofnature57 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-07-04 07:51 AM
Response to Original message
12. FU-K THESE ASSHOLES TELLING ALL, as soon as it doesn't matter
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