Insurance Firms Subpoenaed in New Probe
By Brooke A. Masters
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, December 8, 2004; Page E02
New York and Connecticut state officials said they are investigating whether improper behavior by insurance companies has been a factor in the rapidly rising cost of malpractice insurance for lawyers and doctors.
New York Attorney General Eliot L. Spitzer and Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal have not filed charges, officials said. Over the past week, three insurers that cover lawyers -- the Hartford Financial Services Group Inc., American Financial Group Inc. and Arch Capital Group Ltd. -- have said they received subpoenas from Spitzer's office.
Lawyers for Spitzer's office have also been interviewing class-action attorneys about their particular problems getting insurance, said Fred Taylor Isquith, president of the National Association of Shareholder and Commercial Law Attorneys. Many of the group's more than 75 member firms have faced large premium increases or their carriers have refused to renew coverage in the past few years, Isquith and other plaintiffs' lawyers said....
Doctors nationwide have similar complaints about their malpractice insurance, and Blumenthal said yesterday that his investigation has not found that lawyers are being singled out. Rather he said, his evidence suggests that the entire field of professional insurance -- including medical and legal malpractice and coverage for corporate officers and directors -- is suffering from "excessive rates resulting from anti-competitive or illegal behavior."...