, December 08, 2004 - Page updated at 11:00 A.M.
Rejected ballots take center stage
By David Postman and Andrew Garber
Seattle Times Olympia Bureau
OLYMPIA — The race for governor has become a battle over whether thousands of ballots disqualified during the first two tallies will be counted. It is the central issue in a case the state Supreme Court says it will hear next week.
Democrats backing Attorney General Christine Gregoire want the court to compel county canvassing boards to reconsider more than 15,000 ballots they previously rejected.
Republicans backing Dino Rossi, who was certified as governor-elect, say no new ballots should be added to the nearly 3 million counted twice. After the first count, Rossi was ahead by 261 votes, a lead that shrank to 42 votes after a statewide machine recount.
The high court has agreed to hold a hearing on the Democrats' lawsuit this coming Monday at 1:30 p.m.