Republicans more confident of vote count, poll says,0,5942361,print.story?coll=sfla-news-floridaBy The Associated Press
December 9, 2004
TALLAHASSEE· Although many Florida voters stood in line on Election
Day, more than nine of 10 said they had no other problems casting
their ballot, a poll released Wednesday shows.
And 75 percent of voters described themselves as "very confident" or
"somewhat confident" their vote was correctly counted, a Quinnipiac
University poll of 1,197 residents showed.
Assistant poll director Clay Richards noted that the degree of
satisfaction varied between winners and losers. He said 95 percent of
the Republicans quizzed said they were very or somewhat confident in
the result, compared to only 58 percent of Democrats. President Bush
carried the state with 52 percent of the vote over Democratic
challenger John Kerry.
The poll, conducted between Nov. 30 and Dec. 5, included 1,039
registered Florida voters and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3
percentage points.