MAKHACHKALA, Russia -- An explosion that ripped through the main gas pipeline in the southern Russian region of Dagestan was caused by sabotage, and prosecutors are investigating it as terrorism, the regional Interior Ministry said Thursday.
The Wednesday night blast was the fourth this year along the Dagestani section of the Mozdok-Gazimagomed pipeline, which together with its arteries stretches 750 miles.
One stretch of the pipeline, which spans the Terek River separating Dagestan from the war-shattered region of Chechnya, has been blown open at least three times since 1996, said Ullubiy Erbolatov, a spokesman for the regional natural gas company.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the explosion, which sent flames shooting into the night sky, but Chechen rebel leaders previously have threatened and been blamed for attacks against pipelines, electricity towers and other infrastructure in Russia.,0,6555320.story?coll=sns-ap-nationworld-headlines