The aid agency, with its proud reputation of neutrality in conflict zones, insisted that it did want an armed escort, but US soldiers said it was too dangerous for a civilian vehicle to travel unaccompanied, the spokesman said.
As a result, US army vehicles drove slightly ahead of the ICRC team when it ventured through Fallujah's battle-scarred neighbourhoods.
"This is something we will take up with the US authorities again," said Westphal, noting that the ICRC "would like to be able to act independently and to be seen to be acting independently."
During the snapshot of life inside Fallujah, the ICRC team said that they saw very few civilians and were unable to speak to any of the remaining families due to security fears expressed by the US military.
http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=1515&ncid=1515&e=6&u=/afp/20041209/wl_mideast_afp/iraqfallujahaidicrc_041209180949The US Military is still restricting access, due to "security" concerns. What about the health crisis...raw sewage foating on the streets!! :eyes: