Easy: Pro-Bush precincts were NOT overcrowded on Election Day. People who wanted to vote for Bush generally had no trouble doing so. But there was a DELIBERATE BLACKWELL STRATEGY to overcrowd pro-Kerry precincts by massively shortchanging them on voting machines (compared to the number they got in 2000) and simultaneously supplying extra voting machines to the suburbs. The weather accomodated Dubya also--it rained hard just about all over the state, and tens of thousands of people waited to vote in Kerry precincts for up to ten hours, outside in the soaking rain. Many tens of thousands probably gave up without voting. Tens of thousands more saw the long lines on TV and never ventured out to the polls. And now this story telss us that still other tens of thousands may have voted on the wrong machines for the wrong candidate.
Have you seen the 3-hour CSPAN video of Conyers's "forum" on Ohio Election Crimes? (Wm Rogers Pitt wrote a truthout story on it with a partial transcript. The URL is in
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=132x1423103 )
About the middle of the first hour, Bob Fitrakis, a pudgy guy in a dark suit with long dark hair touching his shirt collar, gave a detailed presentation on how the Blackwell scheme worked in his hometown, Columbus.
Fitrakis testified that, in Columbus, voter registration increased by 25 percent over the last election, and would have required over 5000 voting machines to accomodate everyone. But only 2700 voting machines actually were supplied, and they were not distributed equally. ZERO of the precincts that went 60 percent or more for Bush got fewer voting machines than they did last time. But 74 percent of predominantly minority precincts on the East Side of the city, that went for Kerry by 80 or 90 percent, were shortchanged on voting machines.
Fitrakis even reports (see the second freepress.org URL in
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=104x2663390 )
that DUBYA HIMSELF met in Columbus on Election Day (he doesn't say whether in person or by phone or video) with Ken Blackwell and the county official in charge of supplying precincts with voting machines. What could have been on the agenda?
Do you think Dubya might have wanted to congratulate these criminals in person, for their creativity, initiative, and daring?
This Ohio election makes Watergate look like a tea party, and no mainstream media are investigating DUBYA's REPORTED DIRECT INVOLVEMENT IN ELECTION CRIMES.