Democrats search for way back to power THOMMA
Knight Ridder Newspapers
Fri, Dec. 10, 2004
WASHINGTON - Which should come first for Democrats as they retool for
the future: message or messenger?
In their first meeting since Election Day, Democrats will gather in
Florida this weekend, desperate to find a way back to power. Their
focus will be on a search for a new messenger in the form of a
national party chairman to voice the party's ideals on such issues as
national defense, Social Security and tax restructuring.
But some Democratic insiders say the search for a chairman puts too
much emphasis on the wrong end of the equation. Instead, they say, the
party should settle on a core message, much as Republicans did a
generation ago when they became the party of smaller government, lower
taxes and strong national defense.
"Who is chair won't make much difference," said Rep. Brad Carson, D-
Okla., who last month lost a bid for the Senate. "The problems the
Democratic Party has are so profound they require a strategic change."