Fewer than half, 47 percent, think it's likely Iraq will be able to establish a stable government, according to the poll conducted for the AP by Ipsos-Public Affairs. A little more than half, 51 percent, said they think it's not likely.
People were about evenly divided on the president's handling of Iraq, with 48 percent approving and 50 percent disapproving. That's up from June, when 43 percent approved and 55 percent disapproved.
More than half, 52 percent, still think the United States is on the wrong track, while 43 percent think it's headed in the right direction. The pessimistic mood has lingered since January, when people were about evenly split on the country's direction soon after the capture of deposed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.
Bush's overall job approval in the poll among registered voters was at 51 percent, with 47 percent disapproving, about the same as in November right after his re-election.