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Guantanamo Bay prisoner offered prostitute to spy

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Minstrel Boy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-10-04 02:12 PM
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Guantanamo Bay prisoner offered prostitute to spy
Guantanamo Bay prisoner offered prostitute to spy

11 December 2004
Manawatu Standard, NZ

CANBERRA: An Australian terror suspect was offered the services of a prostitute by the US military if he agreed to spy on other detainees held at the Guantanamo Bay base in Cuba, according to court documents.

In an affidavit unsealed by a US District Court and seen by Reuters yesterday, David Hicks, a 29-year-old convert to Islam, said he was also beaten while blindfolded and handcuffed, threatened with weapons and had his head rammed into asphalt.


"Interrogators once offered me the services of a prostitute for 15 minutes if I would spy on other detainees. I refused," Hicks said in the affidavit, which is dated August 5 and witnessed by his US military lawyer Major Michael Mori.


Mori told Reuters in an interview earlier this month that, through his own investigations, he had been able to corroborate claims by Hicks that he had been physically abused.,2106,3124472a6408,00.html

Anyone remember the story from The Mirror last March, My Hell in Camp X-Ray? Caused quite a storm at DU when it was posted; a lot of objections, particularly over this passage, which many considered beyond belief:

But Jamal's most shocking disclosure centred on the use of vice girls to torment the most religiously devout detainees. Prisoners who had never seen an "unveiled" woman before would be forced to watch as the hookers touched their own naked bodies.

The men would return distraught. One said an American girl had smeared menstrual blood across his face in an act of humiliation.

Jamal said: "I knew of this happening about 10 times. It always seemed to be those who were very young or known to be particularly religious who would be taken away.

"I would joke with the other British lads, 'Bring them to us - we'll have them'. It made us laugh. But the Americans obviously knew we wouldn't be shocked by seeing Western women, so they didn't bother."

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Moderator DU Moderator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-10-04 02:24 PM
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