The men of the Florida National Guard have fought the good fight since February, from Kuwait all the way to Baghdad, battling everything from Iraqi soldiers to would-be terrorists.
Now, they and thousands of other reservists have been told they may have to stay a full year, reports CBS News Correspondent Kimberly Dozier. It's technically what they signed up for, but they'd been told they were going home.
Staff Sgt. Travis Bruner says he's "a little bit upset." While Specialist Drew Core says he's "in shock."
Privately, many guardsmen were more blunt; they say their commanders lied to them. is history but don't stop. Protest, write mails, call, donate to a Democrat, support our moral Hollywood Stars...
Get our children out of there now! Replace them with Bush, his Secret Service, Capitol Park Police, Rumsfeld, Rumsfeld's DOD security unit, Congress, Powell, Diplomatic Security, FBI, CIA, NSA, Repukelican National Committee, Falwell and his church, Robertson and his church, Graham and his church, and ALL the GOP children.