Press FDA on Whistleblower
Fri Dec 10, 3:11 PM ET Politics - U. S. Congress
By PAUL RECER, AP Science Writer
WASHINGTON - Twenty-two members of Congress signed a letter Friday demanding information on reports that FDA (news - web sites) whistleblower David Graham was being punished by Food and Drug Administration (news - web sites) officials for his outspoken testimony before a Senate committee.
The letter, circulated by Rep. Bart Stupak (news, bio, voting record), D-Mich., and sent to acting FDA head Lester M. Crawford, said the members of Congress wanted "to express our strong dismay at recent reports about efforts taken by some at FDA to discredit and smear Dr. Graham."
"This shameful behavior by management cannot continue and we demand you put a stop to it," the letter said.
Graham, who works in the FDA's office of drug safety, testified before a Senate committee last month that the FDA fumbled in its handling of the arthritis drug Vioxx and had mishandled safety problems with five other widely used drugs.
I guess the FDA just doesn't give a damn!!!