Recounts scheduled next week MATT SANCTIS
Staff Write
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Six weeks after voters in Sandusky and Ottawa counties cast their
votes, elections officials in both counties will be counting those
votes again next week.
State and some county officials say the $10 per precinct is inadequate
and taxpayers will be forced to subsidize a large portion of the
But Sandusky County's Tuckerman said the money that the county
received probably will cover the costs.
"They gave us a check for $720, which should cover the costs," she
said. "We don't have to give that money back whether we use all of it
or not."
In a worst-case scenario, the total cost for the recount could come to
$1,000, Tuckerman said. In that case, the county would have to foot
the bill for the remaining $300 from the general fund budget.