Who Aided Hijackers Is Still Mystery
FBI Disputes Findings Of Congressional Inquiry
By Dan Eggen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, September 10, 2003; Page A01
Two years after al Qaeda terrorists slammed jetliners into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, FBI and congressional investigators remain deeply divided over whether the 19 hijackers received help from other al Qaeda operatives inside the United States and still are unable to answer some of the central questions in the case.
The uncertainties persist despite the largest FBI investigation in U.S. history -- which has included 180,000 interviews and 7,000 agents -- and raise the possibility that Americans will never know precisely how the conspirators were able to pull off the most devastating terrorist attacks in U.S. history.
"We know quite a bit about the attacks," FBI counterterrorism chief Larry Mefford said last week. "Unfortunately, we don't know everything."
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A51669-2003Sep9.htmlThey can start with a simple question...like...how did they publish the id/photo's of the hi-jackers when NONE were on the passenger list...and supposedly they used fake id's to board.