That's probably what turned the tide in the judge's mind. He had heard every claim of infirmity, of non-responsibility in the world once it appeared the state had to do something about Pinochet.
He no doubt just HAD to make that one swaggering boast too many, just as in the good old days when he bragged that not one blade of grass dared to move in Chile without his permission.
Photo from the article....
Rosa Silva, left, and Viviana Diaz, relatives of missing detainees during the regime of Augusto Pinochet (news - web sites), celebrate the announcement by Chilean Judge Juan Guzman over the inditcment of former dictator Gen. Augusto Pinochet on human rights charges, at the Supreme Court building in Santiago, Chile, Monday, Dec. 13, 2004. (AP Photo/Santiago Llanquin) The thousands and thousands of tortured and murdered Chilean "suspected" "leftists" (religious and academic people, union workers, union organizers, etc.) no doubt would thank this judge.
WHEN will rightwing dustbags FINALLY see the light and recognize when one after another after another US-backed regimes in Latin America persecute and murder the same people from the same walks of life, there's a reason for that. They are not killing "atheists," nor people who want to strip you of your multiple cars, nor swipe your plasma tvs, they are killing people who are trying to defend their countries against true tyrants. My God, how stupid can rightwingers be, after all this time, after all the access to information? Sheesh.
No wonder the rightwing is pushing adherents to "home school" their kids. No easier way to control what goes into those still unmolded minds.
Go away, Pinochet.