BOSTON -- States are slowly getting better prepared to handle bioterrorism, but most still don't have statewide response plans and federal funding is declining, according to a new report.
The report echoed fears voiced by outgoing Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson earlier this month, when he said he couldn't understand why terrorists haven't attacked the country's food supply because it would be "so easy to do."
And the review follows a year in which the country faced a shortage of flu vaccines -- normally a routine protection against a known problem.
Compiled by the nonprofit Trust For America's Health, the report issued Tuesday found only six states are adequately prepared to distribute vaccines and antidotes in an emergency, but it named only three of them: Florida, Illinois and Louisiana.
The report concluded that basic bioterrorism detection, diagnosis and response capabilities are not in place, and the country has a long way to go to protect the American public from such an attack.
One common problem was lack of funding. Federal bioterrorism aid has decreased by about $1 million per state in 2004, and about one-third of the states saw their public health budgets decline.