the protestors, keeping the buzz alive on the Internet, do have a valid point. While our elections in general are honest, open and unbiased, there are enough examples of electoral incompetence, abuse, bureaucratic nitpicking, screw-ups and even fraud in Ohio and elsewhere to potentially thwart the people's will in a razor-close election.
We called for and expected a comprehensive reform after the Florida 2000 fiasco, but we didn't get it. Congress and the states must address nagging problems in voter registration and verification, balloting, poll management and vote counting before the next major election.
With such potential for problems, we're lucky that 2004 wasn't quite as close as predicted. Most Kerry supporters, recognizing this, have long since moved on. But the bitter-enders cite a laundry list of grievances - some plausible, some wild - to claim they wuz robbed:
Voting hardware and software were rigged by a right-wing cabal to produce "high-tech vote stealing." Minority voters were disenfranchised, or were forced to stand in line until they gave up and went home. Valid votes were simply thrown out. And the media is somehow "keeping a lid" on the entire scandal.
I know this is a Republican making fun of us but he is right the Bloggers just won't go away!!! :bounce: