SAN DIEGO -- A total of 130 American troops have been punished or charged in cases involving the abuse of prisoners in Iraq, Afghanistan or Guantanamo Bay, the Pentagon said Wednesday.
More than 100 of the cases involve the Army, which has deployed the bulk of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and provides most of the guards at facilities where detainees are held. The others are Marines and Navy SEALs.
Recently released documents provided new details about the number of Marines who have been accused of abuse, and the Pentagon later gave The Associated Press a clearer picture by breaking down the numbers for the other branches of the military.
"The clear and distinct message is we investigate all allegations of detainee abuse," said Lt. Col. John Skinner, a Pentagon spokesman. "Misconduct is not tolerated. Anything less than humane treatment of detainees is not tolerated.",0,3325645.story?coll=sns-ap-world-headlines