Dec. 15, 2004, 11:08PM
Senator reportedly holds up nominee
Perry is said to want Willett for Texas' high court
Copyright 2004 Houston Chronicle

Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos AUSTIN - Gov. Rick Perry's choice to fill a vacancy on the Texas Supreme Court apparently is being held up by the nominee's local senator.
Three sources told the Houston Chronicle that more than a month ago, Perry settled on Don R. Willett, a top assistant to Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott and a former adviser to President Bush on faith-based initiatives.
But Willett's nomination ran into trouble when it was presented to Sen. Gonzalo Barrientos, an Austin Democrat. Under the tradition of senatorial courtesy, gubernatorial appointments that must be confirmed by the Senate initially are run by the nominee's hometown senator. Objections by that senator can scuttle a nomination.
Barrientos did not return a call seeking comment Wednesday.
Poor Perry.
Good for Senator Barrientos.