the sister is right: we white folks are sucking wind....
The sister is right on the money:
marsha hammond, phd: asheville
shanikka's diary ::
have noticed something. Since the election all the threads which have raised the issue of Black disenfranchisement -- whether in the context of Ohio this year, Florida in 2000, or generally -- as a form of electoral fraud have ended up devolving into ignorance and/or dying as threads. Specifically, whenever this issue comes up, whether in a diary of its own or in connection with someone else's Onio thread, there appear to be three primary reactions:
A vigorous attempt to insist that systematic disenfranchisement through whatever means is not the same thing electoral fraud, such that the Ohio disenfranchisement is less of a priority right now since it will be fixed "someday"; or
Silence in response to any poster who contends that, whether or not it changes the outcome, the ongoing fight to count all votes in Ohio is a fight to ensure the rights of African-American voters and thus deserves the party's public attention and commitment.
A cry of "tin foil hat" and arguments that nothing is "proven" so it must not be reality -- it's just bad planning, bad administration, in other words, just an unfortunate mistake.