Associated Press Writer
December 18, 2004, 12:45 AM EST
WASHINGTON -- The park service has given the Presidential Inaugural Committee clearance to erect bleachers along parts of Pennsylvania Avenue where an anti-war group had requested permits to stage a large-scale protest during President Bush's parade.
The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition had applied for permits to assemble, and in some cases build bleachers, along parts of the historic street that stretches from the Capitol to the White House.,0,5208996.story?coll=sns-ap-politics-headlines*WRONG* We will have a swearing in spot...they can't stop tens of thousands of protesters. People are coming in from all over the frigging world...I have my bus ticket...PLEASE join us, let Bush know how you REALLY feel.
Oh, and don't listen to corporate CBS propaganda...A quiet protest my arse...They'll hear us!:grr: