Maxine Waters has been one of the Dem party's most active opponents of corruption and fascist murder. No wonder they're going after her with this crap.
There is a distinct ramping up of neutralizing those who oppose the current regime-the murder of journalist Gary Webb, the smearing of the ACLU, etc.
Here is my standard rap on Orwellification (turning everything exactly backwards to confuse, 'war is peace,' 'tyranny is freedom' etc.) and what to do about it-
I hope this makes sense to the many new DU-ers who are only just starting to try and understand why so many good people embrace terrible things as 'morality' and what to do about it or what we even can do about it. Below I explain what is really going on, how it is sold to Americans, and then how to respond.
Psychology is the most important tool for understanding how we got into this mess and why.
Fascist is what the corporate-owned US government and its military have been for at least one hundred years but this has been hidden by their fighting against competing fascists in other countries like gangsters battling for turf.
General Smedley Butler warned of this in his 1937 essay ‘War is a Racket.’ General Dwight Eisenhower also alerted us in 1961 when he left his presidency with a warning against what he called the ‘Military-Industrial Complex.’ Congress helps the fascist alliance of business and government for a cut of the loot for their part in the scam of turning our children-as-soldiers into hit-men to steal from other people around the world and calling it ‘economic policy’ or 'defending freedom' or 'the war on terror.'
A good red-white-and-blue advertising campaign called 'patriotism' sells American fascism quite effectively.
Consequently, the idea that corporate-sponsored war is moral and people-desired peace is immoral has taken firm root in the USA. Orwellification works and crime DOES pay.
Some people get this big scam and some don't and enable it creating a very confused American public split into
1) Those who kill people for money and hide the evidence
2) Those who don't and fight to expose the evidence
This polarity of awareness within the two main political parties alienates some who choose to sit between murder and justice and call this 'Centrism.' But denying murder is not moderation, it is STILL INJUSTICE.
"Because I don't relate to the 'radical fringes' who want to either
1) throw all the Jews in the oven (right wing)
2) throw none of the Jews in the oven." (left wing)
"Yes, all things in moderation. So the right answer is in the middle. See? Politics is all about...compromise.
-Compromising your values." (DLC/DNC)
The Tactic We Must Deal With Or Die: 'Orwellification' or Lying and Getting Away With It
Psy-ops culture war tactics of Orwellification='Weaponize the good, demonize the outraged liberals who protest.'
This is the way the domestic culture war (psy-ops propaganda to intentionally stir people up divisively and chill dissent) works:
First, take something, like the US government, do terrible things with it.
Then, when liberals criticize the terrible things, claim they are criticizing the good part and so 'liberals must be bad.'
"They hate us for our freedom."
"They are jealous of our virtue because they are so bad and tools of the devil to boot. So boot them."
Amazingly, this really resonates in A CHOSEN FEW/MASTER RACE MENTALITY that has been intentionally nurtured in the American public.
More examples of Orwellification:
Neo-cons put a baby in hot water.
Liberals accuse them of abuse.
Neo-cons claim that 'liberals hate babies.'
*Christmas has been weaponized the exact same way.
Neo-cons use religion to kill people with the New Crusades For Oil.
Liberals cite First Amendment separation of church andstate.
Neo-cons claim that 'liberals hate God, Jesus, Santa,etc.'
Neo-cons use our children as troops to kill for oil.
Liberals scream bloody murder.
Neo-cons claim 'liberals hate our troops.'
That last one is the most dangerous because it can lead to a Tienanmin Square situation where our own troops will be called in to stomp on 'enemies of the state' or PROTESTERS. of Tienanmin Square Massacre of Protesters)
The Inaugural parade will see Bush* literally hiding behind our troops so that the hostility of the protesters will be used to claim that liberals are against the troops 'just like the Fallujan insurgents.'
Orwellification of 'save our troops from war' into 'kill our troops by not supporting the war.'
January 20, 2005 is the next big psy-op event to create a Brown Shirt movement in this heavily armed and polarized country.
Re-Orwellification OR Flipping the Polarity on Evil Back to Good:
The Master Race mentality of American Exceptionalism Saving the World and the Christian-Inanity of being the wrathful smiting 'Chosen Few' are the binary agents of American Fascism.
There's no time to back up 358 degrees to explain to the public how the democratic humanity of 'We the People' + 'All God's Children' has been perverted into American fascist 'Divine King Stomping out Satanic Infidels.'
A PASSION FOR JUSTICE! People WANT to be part of a dramatic movement in their lives which TV has turned into a movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Indiana Jones, and Mel Gibson fighting anti-American evil-doers.
Fight propaganda with...PROPER-GANDA!
I recommend pushing forward just 2 degrees USING those so so deeply entrenched-through-propaganda attitudes with a campaign of renewed reverence for
1) The Bill of Rights and US Constitution (“Yes, Americais great because of…”)
2) Jesus' teachings about caring for the poor and needy.(“…is moral because of…”)
These are the tenets of The American Revolution AND Christian values which define liberalism!
This is the ‘Just Father’ model of government that replaced the ‘Strong Father’ dictator hundreds of years ago.
I just told a Navy recruiter standing in line for lunch all about Operation Vigilant Warrior, Peak Oil, Bush/Saudi-financed terrorism etc. in a friendly way and concluded "I know people like you are trying to do the right thing but you're being given bad info."
He was friendly and seemed interested saying "Thanks, I'll go look that up when I get back to my computer."
People want to dothe right thing based on what they hear.
We must flip the polarity of these ideas back to caring for ALL people instead of Republican Eugenics that justifies death by both poverty and war as being necessary 'collateral damage' for the greater good of the herd.
Don't let the American fascists push us back into the bloody past. They have used propaganda to push us back to a 1930s Germany-mentality on the way to an 1850s-styled American economy that includes slavery once again.
Help guide your neighbors towards the Evolving Door so they aren't part of the murder-for-profit scam of American fascism. Tell them how it works and has deceived them despite their good intentions.