The Women of Abu Ghraib
Do you remember the LIES that the reason Fallujah erupted was because there were "foreign" insurgents fighting and/or (because they always offer us a choice of lies from which to pick) that Sadr's men were upset that we had shut down a newspaper?
Lies. Lies. Rotten-Apple LIES!
Rumors of these atrocities have been on the internet for a while but because they weren't on the US corporate-owned media, we didn't give them enough attention.
The horrifying photos which emerged this week explain things much better than the corporate media or the apologists have ever been able to.
We heard about the men only because the "Occupation Armies" couldn't squelch the rumors and pictures began circulating on hard-core pornography sites. Soldiers had also started coming forward, horrified at what they KNEW was taking place and it was only then that the military 'realized' they had a problem & launched an 'investigation'. The first investigation, led by the Army’s chief law-enforcement officer, Provost Marshal Donald Ryder, a Major General, was a whitewash report that brought a few small problems to light. The
second investigation, conducted by
Major General Antonio M. Taguba which was not meant for public consumption, identifies a systemic problem. What we need now is a THIRD investigation by a respectable organization such as Amnesty International (which is conveniently barred from Abu Ghraib).
There is no mention of the women at Abu Ghraib and yet it was their plight that started the uprising. They were being released from that prison and sent out in the streets in stages of undress that we Americans would consider half-naked.
Common sense alone dictates that the women underwent the same type of horrors the men did. We don't need a third investigation to know that that happened. We need a third investigation to bring these crimes to light, expose & punish those involved, and show the world that those sociopaths responsible do NOT represent the American people.
I am outraged and ashamed.
- Brigadier General Janis Karpinski
- Staff Sergeant Ivan L. Frederick II
- Sergeant Javal Davis
- Specialist Charles A. Graner
- Specialist Megan Ambuhl
- Specialist Sabrina Harman
- Private Jeremy Sivits
- Private Lynndie England
This story mustn't end with this "garden" assortment of sacrificial lambs because the Army isn't tossing out a Brigadier General over the "alleged" crimes of 7 enlisted people, only two of whom are of ranks where you are entrusted with low-level responsibilities.
BG Krapinski and these 7 sorry fools are being tossed out as a diversion to prevent us from uncovering a much larger scandal involving contract torturers from
CACI International Inc,
ticker symbol CAI and
Titan Corp,
ticker symbol TTN as well as the CIA, the DIA and every rotten organization implicated in this world-class horror.
If you have links and stories about the others involved, please post them in this thread. Please post relevant snippets or synopses of the information and not just the link.
Please. For the men over there whose lives have been recklessly endangered by the sociopaths who are willing to "do whatever it takes". For the hostages. For our mothers. For our sisters. For our daughters. For our humanity.
03 05 2004 (Note the date)
The newspaper reminds that
militants attacked the (Abu Ghraib) prison several days ago. 22 prison guards and inmates were killed and 51 injured.
The reason for this was probably a leaflet that can be seen on the outside of the prison's wall...
similar leaflets are now appearing in many mosques in Baghdad...cry for help from the hostages of that Iraqi prison... «We are held in the northern sector. Attack this prison and put an end to our disgrace, and if you cannot do this for the love of the Most High, tell someone who can stick up for us or give us some 'Bahe Maneh al-Hamel'. May Allah and Iraqi patriots put an end to our tortures». 'Bahe Maneh al-Hamel' is the Arab for 'contraceptive pills'.
The women detained in Abu Ghraib are feeling ashamed when they evasively tell about the desperate situation that they are in (which any Eastern woman would experience in the conditions of
constant violence committed by prison guards, new Iraqi policemen and the Americans).
Any Muslim who read this message will feel his blood curdle from indignation. <snip>
One of the Iraqis working on a contract with the US administration told La Stampa about one of such terrible episodes. He says that almost 2,500 inmates are held in that prison. The prison is divided into 4 sections.
600 inmates are women. One of them is a bank teller from Baghdad. She was put in jail in January for financial fraud. She could only be released on bail. The family collected $15,000 and this person was sent to discuss the details of release. When he saw her in a room, she had a big stomach. She was sobbing and telling that she was raped by Iraqi prison guards and American soldiers each night, and she does not want to get out of the prison. She told not to say anything to her relatives, because if she returns to Baghdad she will die from shame. :mad:
The same person said that two women already hung themselves in their cells. Another woman gave a birth in confinement. The newborn baby was a mulatto. Allegedly, the US military authorities conducted an internal investigation, but no guilty have been found.
Amnesty International is calling on the complex investigation of all cases of violence against the inmates in Iraq. <snip>
((with thanks to Chookie))
The real facts are that there is report after report of US abuses; on the internet, in the back pages of our newspapers, in personal accounts that with a little luck will now make their way to mainstream press. This is not an isolated few - this is business as usual for the US military and their collaborating band of thugs in Iraq. Is it any wonder that bodies of US soldiers who fall into Iraqi hands are mutilated and displayed?
The pictures of US soldiers dishonoring Iraqi detainees came as no surprise to JUS (Jihad Unspun). We have been reporting alleged abuses
since shortly after the fall of Baghdad. We received several reports over the past months of US soldiers raping Iraqi woman, only to find these photos posted to US porn sites. While these photos and reports were put down to "loose" Iraqi women (which shows a fundamental understanding of Iraq's religion and culture) we discovered later that those who were detained, some at Abu Ghraib prison, who refused to provide US officials with intelligence where given a prod to garner "cooperation" by rounding up the
female relatives, forcing then into sexual acts that were filmed and then shown to their husbands, fathers and brothers and to the general public through porn sites. Now the CBS 60 Minutes II report legitimizes the incidents we have been reporting all along.
The Arab world is outraged. The Muslim Ummah is outraged. Iraqis are outraged and so are people of conscience everywhere. I pity the next soldiers that fall into Resistance hands. And contrary to its belief - America can be defeated and most likely will be defeated and dangled at the end of its own pathetic rope for all the world to see.