See what can happen when you chair GWBush's re-election campaign in Nevada!!
"Attorney General Brian Sandoval had a prime spot at the Republican National Convention. Now he’s hoping to leave politics for a federal judgeship. But some Northern Nevada attorneys wonder if he has the experience for the job"
Sandoval’s political adeptness and popularity with voters appeared to be propelling him toward the governor’s mansion or the U.S. Senate. He is the first Hispanic in Nevada elected to statewide office.
As a politician, Sandoval gave more than 75 public speeches this year. His position as co-chairman of the Bush-Cheney campaign in Nevada earned him more than one ride with President Bush in the presidential limousine.
And he landed a prime-time speaking slot at the televised Republican National Convention.
U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., and U.S. Sen. John Ensign have recommended him for the federal bench — a move that has Sandoval preparing himself for what he called a “cloistered existence” as a judge.
Sandoval interviewed with Alberto Gonzales, Bush’s chief counsel, at the White House earlier this month. President Bush would have to formally nominate him for federal court position and the Senate would have to confirm."