I am inspired when someone from ANY country wins a gold medal, who really busted their bum to get there. But i'm certainly not an example case, most americans being steeped in culture of nationalism by the media.
I myself remember several past lives, including my last one being executed by a chinese PLA soldier outside the rubble of our shelled monastary in tibet. He shot me in the face... yet i recall his cool expression and the little red star above the brim of his hat.
Figure about 3-5 years between lifetimes on average. Now look at when the american leadership was born.... 40's 50's... Many buddhists i know in america are well aware of this group who reincarnted in america to achieve their experience of imperial glory and a white-race christian state. Take a look at rumsfeld, and look at his soul, not his body.. and see the inner nazi... and he's just one of the crop.
I think popular views on karma betry the reality. You are re-born in the state of mind that you die in. If you're out to fight a war of imperial aggression, you are reborn with that karmic profile encoded on your spiritual genetics. Real karma is like the forces in quantum physics.... but it is taught to the public, as in elementary chemistry that the electrons rotate around the nucleus... (probability fields is a bit complex for beginners). As well, in advanced karma, there is no karma, if there is no self. Or rather, by re-ordering the self by profound samadhi meditation, the karmic DNA of a lifetime is as well re-ordered, and this rapid evolution of a soul through death-like re-ordering yet whilst not dying, is the short path tibetan rebirth process. The tibetan book of the dead, describes this re-formation of the consciousness after being liquidated in the dharma kaya (the pure light of reality). That said, the pure light, liquifies the karmic profile, and any act in life, that mirrors the pure light (God in western talk), is beyond karma, as without ego-self-acting, there is no karma. Thus they say that enlightened people, who have melted away the karmic DNA entirely, are no longer subject to the laws of karma.
So back to seeing something about the american leadership. George bush was not a nazi, as far as i see (though cheney was). Bush was an infamous pope of the middle ages (i think Innocent III). Who started a series of terrible pogroms against jews, that centuries later resulted in the holocaust. It would indeed be karmic justice if that same soul were to fix his ugly mess by sorting out israel.. just unlikely given that he seems to be repeating his karmic habit of starting divisive pogroms, race wars and hatreds. Bush subconsciously remembers his pope incarnation, and thinks he's appointed by God, and is God's agent on earth, acting through divine right. It must give him a real rush of endorphins to feel that, and he is mistakenly recollecting past life images, and bleeding them over in to this life.
Myself, i don't particularly like the Chinese PLA, and anything having to do with tibet makes my heart leap out of my chest... i LOVE tibet and its people.... past lives repeat themselves.
So likely, if you were to think of the top 10 places on this planet that you fancy, but have never visited, likely there is a subcionscious past life connection. For spiritual folks, realizing this can be liberating, as it can allow one to let go of those pent up feelings of self. For a spiritual infant, like the bush cabal, subconscious feelins of past lives go unquestioned, and are merely acted on, which is why the nazis are at it again, trying to secure the caspian oil fields... right on schedule.
Living people from the nazi period will, if they are at all honest, recall that the bush people are doing it EXACTLY like the nazis did it. This is no mirage... the same people are involved... and because the culture does not recognize reincarnation, they've let them get away with it.
You can never better your karma, you can erase the self that was bound by that karma. Karma is a raw force in the universe, cause and effect. But as an object with no mass is not bound by the laws of mechanical physics, a person who erases their attachment to self is not bound by the laws of cause and effect "of that self". And like an onion, deeper layers of attachment to self and ego are exposed in a complex process of awakening.
There is no hopelessness in realizing that the GOP are really run by reincanate nazis. Those bastards have been waiting for some time to take over the US, and grabbed their chance in coup 2000. I expect things to get only worse and worse until they are either killed, put in prison or the US is destroyed in war.... that is the nazi karma, and if the US wants to re-identify its concept of self and identity around the nazi-profile, then it will be subject to the nazi-karma.
That said, individual karma, is different for each individual, and as individual life is a series of spheres of identity, much as described in astrology-planet views of a complex, multi-"house" self, and each with identity-karma. We are all related in this massively complex universal existance... The karma of this world as a whole is descending, as the population grows by billions and progressively kills off the planet's surface. The souls who are coming in to this world to be born, are not higher evolved souls, but rather lower ones who are seeking basic experiences of self, power and sexuality.
A lesson of karma is to not get caught up in the unevolved mire that is the majority of soul's lives, but to rise above by not binding one's self to any concept of self that motivates that inertial mass. So much depends on one's concept of self, and karma is relative to that concept. So, sorry for the long explanation, but that is what i mean that newtonian karma, is eclipsed by quantum karma in the real world, and simple cause and effect is a child's story, but the einstinian relativistic view is much closer to how karma works in the subtle/ occult/ spiritual realms.