should be remembered that the late Geidar Aliev in the summer of 2000, four months before the US presidential elections, visited the United States at the personal invitation of George Bush-senior at his ranch. They fished, rode around in cars, in speedboats. Following this visit, the choice of partners for the development of Azerbaijan's oil fields underwent a slight revision. Practically all operations - from geological exploration to the creation of an infrastructure - were given over to American companies that in one way or another were associated with the Bush family. And then the elections came, and it turned out that the patriarch of Azerbaijani politics had put his money 'on the right horse.'
And here is what the head of the Azerbaijani party Umid (Hope) Igbal Agazade, currently in jail under suspicion of organizing mass unrest immediately following the October 15, 2003, elections, had to say about Richard Armitage: 'Two years of co-chairmanship in the American-Azerbaijani Chamber of Trade and Industry were not wasted. He has here an enormous financial network, which can be of great benefit after he leaves government service.'
The Kuwait syndrome Another theme which represents an enormous interest for Azerbaijani public opinion is Washington's relationship with Teheran. After all, Iran not only borders Azerbaijan, but more than 80% of the Azerbaijanis in the world live there, with cultural demands that the government does not take into account. For 200,000 Armenians there are schools in their mother tongue, and the same goes for as many Jews. But for 30 million Azerbaijanis, not one.