- In last Thursday's Wall Street Journal we were treated to a ridiculous piece of economic punditry entitled "A Personal Matter" written by Gregory Mankiw, the ex-Harvard University putz who is now chairman of the impotent President's Council of Economic Advisors, and who is rumored to be soon leaving that post, and good riddance. This is the same Gregory Mankiw who, the next day, (which you will find, in the footnotes, was Friday, December 17), said, "The economy looks very sound," and who has been the chairman of this Council the entire time that George W. Bush has spent more money, and promised to spend more money, and created the most expensive entitlement program (prescription drug benefit) in American history, and borrowed more money than any other freaking President in American freaking history.
He quotes Ed Prescott, the guy who recently won the Nobel Prize in economics, who opines, "a large part of the difference in performance between our economy and those in Europe is that Europeans work less because they are taxed more." Mankiw, for all his faults, correctly figures that this is not the direction we should be heading. No kidding! The Europeans are being taxed at over 50% of income, and suffering unemployment at more than 10% of the workforce. Although we are, I believe, if truth be told, not far behind them on both of those scores.
Mr. Mankiw, who has been the top moron of the CEA for the entire time while Bush has not vetoed a single spending bill and has run up more debt than any other administration, which is surely indicative of something bizarre, says that the new plan to save social security does not raise taxes. Instead, it runs up lots and lots of debt. Apparently, and incredibly, Mr. Mankiw is unaware that debt has to be paid for out of future taxes (which is de facto raising taxes) or by printing money, which will ignite inflation, which is, in the final analysis, a crippling tax in itself. So he is 100% wrong when he says that the plan to save social security will not raise taxes. It will. You would think that Mankiw would know this, but apparently breezily parading around Harvard like a supercilious twit in front of a bunch of undergraduates who are too scared to tell this moron that he is a jerk, and so he is unaware that he is a jerk. Sort of like around here, where nobody has the guts to tell me I am a big stupid jerk, probably because they are so lightly armed, and they would rather spend their money on rent instead of body armor.
But he, perhaps inadvertently, reveals the nefarious idea behind the plan, which is to, as if you had to be told, pump the stock and bond markets. He says that individuals will be given a choice on "How much to put in stocks, bonds or a money-market fund." Notice your abbreviated list of alternatives? Pumping the stock and bond markets is the only reason for this blatantly foolish silliness, and of course it will end badly. There have been many, many attempts by governments, governments who were peopled by guys who are a lot smarter than the current crop of morons we have in our governments, to pump markets. And while it sometimes temporarily drove prices up, it did not increase their value. And it this phenomena that reveals one of those pesky Iron Laws Of Economics, namely, that when price exceeds value, price will eventually fall.
And I know that you are tired of hearing the stupid Mogambo run his big fat mouth (BFM), so let me entertain you with a little numerical wizardry. If every worker in America, all 132 million of us, all put $1,000 into stocks and bonds, as per the Fabulous New Plan To Save Social Security or whatever that particular idiocy is being called, then that would only be $132 billion dollars per year. Hell, the damned federal government borrows and spends that much PER QUARTER! And not to be outdone, we Americans also have a trade deficit that is ALSO four times as big as this $132 billion windfall to the stock and bond markets.
But we have sunk every dime of every retirement plan of every American into the stock and bond markets, and our various levels of government have all budgeted huge taxation of capital gains into their spending plans, and now those markets are going to get pumped because the alternative is too horrible to think about. Thus, a new Plan To Save Social Security.