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International Criminal Court signs Interpol deal

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NNN0LHI Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 10:20 PM
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International Criminal Court signs Interpol deal
Edited on Fri Dec-24-04 10:21 PM by NNN0LHI

AMSTERDAM, Dec 23 (Reuters) - The International Criminal Court (ICC) said on Thursday it had signed a cooperation agreement with Interpol that will allow the two to share information and help it apprehend fugitives.

The court -- the first permanent world tribunal set up to prosecute individuals for war crimes, genocide and others gross humans right abuses -- is not yet trying any cases but its head has vowed to pursue people on its wanted list around the globe.

Chief Prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo has said the Hague-based ICC will prosecute not only the perpetrators of war crimes, but also those complicit in those crimes, such as people who trade in blood diamonds.

Rough diamonds from illegitimate sources, dubbed "blood" or "conflict" diamonds, are used to fund wars, mostly in Africa.

Moreno Ocampo has said those who could face such charges included foreign businessmen and firms who supplied cash or weapons in exchange for diamonds to people they knew were guilty of war crimes.

The court has already identified links to the blood diamond trade in countries such as the United States, Canada, Britain, Russia, Finland, China and Zimbabwe.


Diamonds are Pat Robertson's best friend

<snip>Robertson, the former U.S. presidential candidate, has shown that he is not the least bit uneasy with utilizing Mobutu's personal fleet of planes and yachts, which were purchased off the backs of Zaire's oppressed citizens. Dr. Makau Mutua, projects director of the Human Rights Program at Harvard Law School, in the February 27, 1995 issue of TIME magazine observed that "Robertson is Mobutu's biggest American catch."

When presented with more of the facts surrounding ADC, one is forced question the nature of Robertson's relationship with such a dictator. Should a "good Christian" profit from diamonds and lumber mined by the functional equivalent of slave labor? While other Christian relief programs donate aid to Zaire via private organizations to avoid any connection with Mobutu's corrupt government, Robertson rushes forth with open arms towards Mobutu.

On February 16, 1992, Zairian Protestants and Catholics held a demonstration asking for reform. Mobutu's troops opened fire on the demonstrators. Despite the bloody massacre that followed, coupled with criticism by the U.S. State Department, Pat Robertson was among the first in line to wine and dine with Mobutu in Zaire.

Perhaps Robertson's financial gains are enough for him to ignore any humanitarian pleas for reform in Zaire. Not only does Robertson profit handsomely off of his tidy diamond-mining operation, but Mobutu also makes his own, more than satisfactory income, through his country's $300 million-a-year mineral trade. Although Robertson has supported a number of dubious causes, his relationship with a character like Mobutu is one that may lead to more questions than Robertson is willing to answer. The love (of money) relationship between Robertson and Mobutu may leave Robertson's associates feeling a bit more than uncomfortable.


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acmavm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-24-04 10:23 PM
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1. Oh please, let them haul that crooked faker off to a cell somewhere.
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NEOBuckeye Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-25-04 04:37 AM
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2. Pat Robertson is anything but Christian
It is said that the Devil himself can quote biblical scripture to suit his purposes. Robertson bears quite a striking resemblance to that image.
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dand Donating Member (636 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-25-04 05:39 AM
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3. This Country is loaded with war criminals, if there is any justice
they will start with the Bush Cabinet. One hundred thousand dead innocent Iraqis would be justification for a trial.
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Massacure Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Dec-25-04 08:16 AM
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4. Who wants to do a letter writing campaign asking them to try Shrub?
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