I was in OK visiting relatives and saw this follow-up on the Tulsa news:
http://www.sunherald.com/mld/sunherald/10498169.htmTULSA, Okla. - A group of Tulsa businessmen is establishing a fund with F&M Bank for a serviceman who risked his life to save a mother and child after their car crashed into the Arkansas River. Pete Adamson, a managing partner with Adams Hall Investment Management, said men from his golf group were moved by U.S. Air Force Airman Joshua Johnson's efforts Thursday.
"We think that this is a true American hero," Adamson said of Johnson. "Just the story and what he did inspired us to say that this young man needs to be idolized as opposed to the bad things that sometimes get into the paper."
The group pledged $2,500 to start the fund and is asking the public for further donations, Adamson said. Johnson - recently out of basic training and home for Christmas leave - proposed marriage to his girlfriend, Brittany Campbell, on Thursday at the Pedestrian Bridge.
Moments after she accepted his proposal, Johnson saw an out-of-control car crash from Riverside Drive into the frigid river north of the bridge.
Johnson, 18, and his 19-year-old fiancee will receive the donations as a wedding present when they marry in about six months, Adamson said. Johnson, who is training to work on ground radar at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Miss., said he was surprised by the attention he has gotten over the rescue. "I did not expect this kind of recognition," he said. "I didn't do it for anything like that".