(Reuters) - Everyone wants a bite of Ukraine's "orange revolution".
Be it religion, scarves, hats or mugs, Ukraine's outpouring of disgust at opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko's rival
being declared the winner of a tainted poll has become the focus for those who want their message heard or their
products sold. snip
"This is a revolution from God," George Idengo, an evangelist originally from Nigeria who has lived in Ukraine for 16
years, says in the "Embassy of God" tent on Khreshchatyk, Kiev's main thoroughfare.
His tent, equipped with heaters to take the chill out of Ukraine's cold winter, offers food and hot drinks to those
wanting enlightenment on his breed of "charismatic evangelism" on Christmas day.
"God wants us to put religious principles in Ukraine ... We are here to bring them to Christ to be saved."