Search engine up 'Cokie Roberts, plane crash, father, Hoover' and you will see what prominent journalists are up against. They are in the crosshairs of the US intelligence services and the wolves who do their bidding.
Or search engine up 'Operation Mockingbird' and see it has been so for decades.
The journalist who died from anthrax after 9/11 was the photo editor of a Florida paper that had just published very damaging photos of the Bush twin girls in drunken shenanigans. Soon US military-grade anthrax showed up in the mail of one of the big three TV networks and Democratic leadership in Congress.
There are scarier people in the world than Rupert Murdoch. Hint hint. and Whores of the Press)
COKIE ROBERTS. One of her principals lies, that her late father, Cong. Hale Boggs
believed a "lone assassin" assassinated President John F. Kennedy. Cong. Boggs sat on the Warren Commission which concluded that a "lone nut" blew out the brains of JFK in an open car in Dallas. By 1971, Cong. Boggs had misgivings. He began making public statements that J.Edgar Hoover's FBI was wire-tapping Congress and blackmailing public officials...
Cokie Roberts has made public statements that she and her mother are satisfied that her father the Congressman did, indeed, disappear on a plane flight to Alaska, 30 days before Nixon was re-elected President in 1972. Cokie is in a position reportedly to know she is lying. U.S. Military Intelligence, jointly with other U.S. espionage agencies reportedly found the Congressman's airplane but have concealed that. Apparently Boggs' airplane had been sabotaged to silence him on statements he was about to make about Tricky Dick. NOTE: one month AFTER Nixon was re-elected, 12 Watergate figures perished on a sabotaged plane crash in Chicago. Including Mrs. E.Howard Hunt, wife of the Watergate burglar. She had onboard two million dollars in securities she and her husband reportedly blackmailed out of Nixon for silence on Nixon's complicity in the JFK murder.
DAN RATHER in 1963 was a much lesser known electronic journalist. He was standing in the shadows under the Triple Overpass Bridge, in Dealey Plaza, as the death car with Pres. Kennedy passed right under Dan Rather's nose. Rather was the only one on the planet to immediately be able to verify that JFK was mortally wounded. About six feet away from Rather, one of the several gunman had been shooting point blank at JFK from a little known sewer opening up on the railroad embankment. At my prompting, a populist paper in 1988 finally published the details after discovering the sewer cover right near where Rather was standing. Was it just a coincidence that Dan Rather was standing there? He alleged he was holding a bag of films to give to a TV network pick up courier. Thereafter, as a reward for his silence and complicity, Rather was made CBS White House correspondent and then, network evening news talking head. Paid millions of dollars per year for his assassination complicity.
Robert MacNeil, Canadian correspondent, just happened to be walking inside the building where the CIA "patsy" Lee Harvey Oswald supposedly shot JFK in the back of the head with a poorly built Italian Carcano rifle from a high window obscured by a tree. MacNeil helped promote the big lie of Oswald as the "lone assassin". MacNeil was rewarded with millions of dollars per year by a nightly PBS TV Program, called the MacNeil-Lehrer News Hour. Playing a role in the rewarding of MacNeil has been Sharon Percy Rockefeller, Public Broadcast dictator in the District of Columbia, long-time site of that News Hour. MacNeil, now retired, continues to own the TV show with Lehrer. Major sponsor of the show has been Archer-Daniels-Midland, soybean monopolist. ADM long-time boss, Dwayne Andreas, reportedly by corruption, escaped being prosecuted and jailed in the Watergate Affair for his money laundering for the Nixon White House.