GOP Senators May Back Filibuster Limits
Mon Dec 27, 7:55 AM ET Top Stories - Los Angeles Times
By Nick Anderson Times Staff Writer
Amid talk about a renewal of bipartisanship in the new Congress that convenes next week, two new Republican senators said Sunday that they could support a rule change to short-circuit opposition to President Bush (news - web sites)'s judicial nominees — a move that one incoming Senate Democrat warned would spark "a bloody fight."
The exchange among the three newly elected senators on CBS' "Face the Nation" reflected a sense among many Republicans that they should flex their muscle in the 109th Congress, with the party's expanded majorities in the Senate and House, even as Democrats were debating among themselves when to work with the administration and when to oppose it.
Make no mistake the next 4 years of Republican leadership we will see such Corruption and powermongering to the point the Democrats will have to fight tooth and nail!!!