There is a bridge spanning the World Trade Center and the Oklahoma City federal building. Itís in the Philippines.
And itís made of gold ó Japanese and Nazi gold buried in underground vaults once used to imprison and torture American prisoners of war and local insurgents. Approximately 1,000 tons of the loot was liberated by Ferdinand Marcos before his ouster. Billions of dollars worth were shipped overseas by American intelligence agents and the Mafia. Much of the horde was cabbaged away in a high-security, subterranean storage cachÈ buried beneath the Zurich airport. This vault was once used to conceal European gold from Hitlerís greedy SS scavengers. Fifty years later, some of the same bullion has found its way into the campaign coffers of ultra-conservative political candidates in the U.S., according to the Las Vegas Sun.
But Marcos didnít recover the lionís share of the pelf. A six-month series in the Sun reported in 1993 that Marcos abandoned thousands of tons of gold hidden in his homeland. Gary Thompson, the newspaperës former managing editor, and journalist Steve Kanigher published copies of gold certificates from Credit Suisse, deposit records from the Union Bank of Switzerland, the correspondence of Corazon Aquino and letters to Reagan administration officials documenting witness accounts that lackeys of the CIA and Army Special Forces carted off an unknown quantity of the bullion. They followed one lead after another, flying around the world for 11 months to piece together an elaborate story of political corruption and greed.
The gold extraction was sanctioned by Lt. General Robert Schweitzer, President Reaganís senior military liaison to the National Security Council, and Lt. General Daniel Graham, then director of the DIA and a key consultant on the Strategic Defense Initiative. Schweitzer and retired General John Singlaub, the aforementioned veteran of the Iran-contra affair, joined the board of Nippon Star, a Japanese conglomerate with branches in the Philippines. As they explained to two plaintive Nippon Star consultants, "the company is going out of business ó the National Security Council is taking over."
Among those recruited to run the intelligence front was retired Army Colonel Dan Myers, a former aide to Watergate celebrity G. Gordon Liddy. Eldon "Dan" Cummings, a Pentagon staffer, was named vice president.
Schwartzís ambitious aide, Oliver North, was already dabbling in the gold trade. In 1985, he attempted to sell 44 tons of Marcos bullion, worth $465 million, on the black market. He blithely suggested skimming $5 million to finance the Nicaraguan contra war, but the deal fell through when North, true to form, stiffed the Israeli middlemen on the Marcos payroll.
Tapes and documents implicating American officials in the gold transfers were withheld from the Iran-contra committee by Major General Colin Powell, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and William Odom, director of the NSA. "It wasnít so much the mention of gold that concerned them," say Thompson and Kanigher. "It was Marcos talking (on tape) about contributions to U.S. presidential campaigns and the use of the gold proceeds to fund illegal arms deals."
To extract the gold, Ray Cline, then deputy director of the CIA, organized a working group that included a chief regulator of the S&L industry. Citibank was drawn into the operation to negotiate ownership of a Philippine gold horde secreted in the Bahamas.NASA pilots drew up a plan to transport the bullion (a link to Caslpan?)
Bo Gritz, the swashbuckling Idaho militia leader who ran for president with David Duke as his running mate, also travelled to the Philippines to participate in the gold dig. Gritz claims that he struck out ó but the Special Forces veteran has been known to spin a plausible denial or two in his time.
The upshot was that either Lana Padilla was telling the truth about Terry Nicholsí mystery trips abroad, or she is a scholar of national security studies with an emphasis on black ops. Her allusion to terrorists from the Middle East was hardly far-fetched. General Schweitzerís crew from the NSC hired a team of lawyers to sell the gold recovered in the Philippines. Much of it was sold off to Middle Eastern terrorists. Some of them have indeed been linked to the World Trade Center bombing, according to Kanigher and Thompson.