Puerto Rico election officials certified Aníbal Acevedo-Vilá on Tuesday as the winner of the island's disputed governor's race, after a recount lasting nearly two months and a court battle that sharpened divisions between pro-commonwealth and pro-statehood factions.
Mr. Rosselló, a former two-term governor and member of the New Progressive Party, which wants Puerto Rico to become a state, argued that it was impossible to determine voter intent on those ballots.
But a federal appeals court in Boston, which has jurisdiction for Puerto Rico, ruled this month that the Puerto Rico Supreme Court - which had already declared the disputed ballots valid - should have jurisdiction in the case. Mr. Rosselló, who tried to have the federal court reconsider its decision, said Tuesday that he still believed justice had not been served.
Unlike Mr. Rosselló, who would have immediately pushed for statehood if elected, Mr. Acevedo-Vilá said he would let voters decide whether to hold a constitutional convention on Puerto Rico's status or ask Congress to allow a plebiscite on the issue. Puerto Ricans are American citizens who can be drafted by the military but pay no federal taxes and cannot vote in federal elections. There have been several votes on the status issue in recent decades, but they showed voters to be split and did not spur change.