Published December 29, 2004
WASHINGTON -- As part of the ongoing Central Intelligence Agency shakeup, the chief of the analytical branch has been asked to step down, the New York Times said Wednesday.
The agency's deputy director for intelligence, Jami Miscik, reportedly told her staff Tuesday afternoon she would step down Feb. 4. A former intelligence official told the newspaper Miscik was told before Christmas CIA chief Porter Goss wanted to make a change and that "the decision to depart was not hers."
Miscik has led the analysis team since 2002, during which time prewar assessments of Iraq and its illicit weapons proved to be mistaken. She is an economist who rose through the ranks over a 21-year career at the agency. She reportedly told associates as early as November she did not expect to stay at the agency under Goss.
Her departure is the latest high-level turnover since Goss took over as director in September. Much of the top tier of the agency's clandestine service is also gone, the report said.