this happening. This story emerged recently and the jig-saw seems to be fitting into place - especially upon reading this news of Cuban Oil.
I've deleted a lot of info' here but the entire document can be viewed at ; quote:
Copyright Joe Vialls, 22 December 2004
Based on received intelligence, it seems likely that the Island of Cuba will soon be used as 'point man' in a grand plan to deny American warships and other vessels safe transit through the Gulf of Mexico. Quite apart from thoroughly humiliating New York and Washington, such a move will have a far more devastating effect if tankers are denied access to the southern American oil terminals. Without oil imported through its critical southern oil terminals, and also possibly facing denial of access to underwater oil reserves in the Gulf of Mexico, America will collapse in less than six months.
To do this we must first circle the globe, picking up seemingly random pieces of the operational jigsaw on the way, until the last piece slips neatly into place less than 200 miles south of Florida Keys.
On 10 November 2004, the India Daily reported that, "Russian President Putin is taking a lead role in the most powerful coalition of regional and superpowers in the world. The coalition consists of India, China, Russia and Brazil. This will challenge the superpower supremacy of America." É "He
wants to establish a long-term Russian footprint in Latin America in order to expand Moscow's geopolitical influence in the region. Brazil is very open to the coalition concept where these large countries support each other in term of trade, economics, international politics and defense."
America is already desperately short of energy, and it can only get worse. Iraq is producing nothing at all as usual, and the Republican Guard will ensure it stays that way. OPEC will slow down production in January because it actually has to. If the OPEC countries keep pumping at their present outrageous rates to please America, they will eventually destroy their own economies by terminally damaging their producing wells. This leaves the largest single oil producer in the world, Russia, to increase or decrease world oil production to suit its own (or its new coalition's) global agenda.
The New Russia-China-India-Brazil coalition really means business, and it would be wise to remember that after reforms at the United Nations, all four will have permanent seats on the Security Council. But that is after the likely confrontation in the Gulf of Mexico, designed to either make America withdraw completely from the rest of the world and become relatively poor, or face devastating and total economic ruin. It has been suggested to me that the choice willÊ probably be left to the American people, if they can terminate a few dozen Zionists fast enough.