Every citizen will be subjected to mandatory tests, and those deemed mentally ill will be forcibly drugged. It is the administration's new gift to the pharmaceutical industry. Those who refuse will probably be imprisoned. More growth for pharmaceuticals, more growth for the prison industry, and lots more people to physically and sexually abuse and torture. As they said in the Gulag, "Me today, you tomorrow." Many people are unjustly imprisoned and tortured today. It will be us tomorrow because we permitted it to happen.
Of course there are some people who do not yet realize how arbitrary our laws are, and how variable the standards of so-called mental illness can be. One psychiatrist has defined mental illness as being under another person's domination, so that they can keep changing the rules and you can never manage to fully comply with their rules, so they can label you insane. Or rebellious. Or not properly deferential towards authority. Obviously terrorists are crazy, since they do not wish to submit to our government's domination. So everybody has to be screened to see if they are crazy, because crazy people might become terrorists.
Don't think for a minute that our government, which has knowingly exposed thousands of U.S. citizens to plutonium, wouldn't poison us all with any drug they thought might be profitable. And it would be very profitable indeed if it was mandatory.
Ron Paul has tried to oppose this new program in Congress and needs support. Contact your Congresscritters and say that you oppose mandatory mental testing and drugging. Of course they are all dependent upon pharmaceutical company campaign contributions, so don't expect them to represent your interests against their own interests. But contact them anyway, just so that when you become subject to mandatory testing, you can at least know that you tried to oppose it.
Many of the mentally ill, of course, will be returning veterans from the Iraqi war with post-traumatic stress syndrome. Others will be people who went crazy after their jobs were outsourced and they lost their homes and found themselves homeless and subjected to constant ridicule and abuse. How much torture do you think you personally can withstand before you start "acting crazy?" Which came first, the torture or the insanity--the chicken or the egg?
Slavery was the legal fiction that a person was property. Corporations are the legal fiction that property is a person. And in order to be deemed sane under fascism, you must believe both fictions simultaneously.